School of Critical Thinking
3 blocks: psychology, sociology, political science
Become a member
When playing with someone,
do not forget that you can become a toy.

– The One
For whom
For everyone who wants to develop and gain new knowledge
Intensive course - 8 hours.
Full – 12 seminars of 1.5 hours each.
Current skills in key areas and new acquaintances
Political science
Fear the silent man, for when others speak, he watches. When others act, she plans. And when the others finally rest, she strikes.
The most striking methods
of the political establishment.

How local and national
elites influence politics.

Political identity – how
political demand is formed.
1. Introduction to politics
About politics, political technologies and methods of influencing the electorate. What is the difference between lobbying and corruption. Is it worth becoming a politician: advantages and disadvantages. Political manipulations.
2. Local politics
How the local budget is filled. Who and how influences political processes in the region. How political competition takes place. What images of politicians are characteristic of the regions.
3. State policy
How state policy is formed. Who and how become the most influential persons of the country. How the government in Ukraine is elected, creating an attractive image for the electorate. What is stronger: power or resources.
4. International politics
How the world's largest countries have been conducting strategic policy for decades. What methods do states use to get what they want. How to occupy countries without firing a single shot.
We like people who boldly speak their minds. Provided they think the same as we do.
The most popular temperaments
personalities and how to communicate with them.

How the subconscious affects our
life and how it can be controlled.

Why do girls choose older men, and boys choose well-groomed young women.
1. Emotional intelligence
How to understand your own emotions. Recognizing the desires and intentions of others. The most popular personality types.
2. The influence of the subconscious
The influence of surrounding events and facts on our life. The result of narratives, words and music on the population. How to manage the subconscious.
3. Psychology of relationships
Why girls choose older and successful men, and boys choose well-groomed young women.
4. Global thinking
Let's go beyond individuality, culture and nationality. Philosophical views on the meaning of life and a person's place in it.
Conscious, meaningful manipulation of the habits and opinion of the masses is an important element of a democratic society. Those who control it are the real government.
How the masses are manipulated daily,
and control the consciousness of choice.

How to destroy the reputation of any company or individual.

How marketing of large companies and PR of influential countries is changing the world.
1. Sociology of life
How to influence others. How we are influenced by advertising and hidden narratives. How to get what you want through non-random coincidences.
Social engineering. Search for military, political, economic, personal and other information from open sources.
3. Reputation
How to create and destroy the reputation of any person, company or politician on the Internet. A key feature of Telegram channels, small bloggers and large-scale bot farms.
4. Influence on consciousness
Democracy and authoritarianism. Examples of elements of influence on society in each state system. Analysis of the famous projects of Sigmund Freud's nephew.
Intensive course
Eight hours of interactive training on all topics from psychology, political science and sociology to improve soft skills
Планові групи
Regular groups with a limited number of participants, which are held with the funding of international donor organizations.

Full-time training in different regions of Ukraine, usually in the format of intensive training.
Competitive basis
Comprehensive training within the framework of the Aloft Hub platform. The selection of participants takes place regularly on a competitive basis.

Training takes place in an intramural format. At the moment, only in the city of Lviv.
How to become a project participant
School of Critical Thinking
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Consideration of participation in the project will not discriminate on the basis of disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, color, religion, national origin, veteran status, or any other legally protected characteristic.

Participation in our events is free for all participants.
platform for leaders:
learning, communication and opportunities
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